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What is rattler-build?#

rattler-build is a tool to build and package software so that it can be installed on any operating system – with any compatible package manager such as mamba, conda, or rattler. We are also intending for rattler build to be used as a library to drive builds of packages from any other recipe format in the future.

How does rattler-build work?#

Building of packages consists of several steps. It all begins with a recipe.yaml file that specifies how the package is to be built and what the dependencies are. From the recipe file, rattler-build executes several steps:

  1. Parse the recipe file and evaluate conditional parts (we will see that later, but parts of the recipe can be conditional e.g. on Windows vs. macOS)
  2. Retrieve all source files specified in the recipe, such as .tar.gz files, git repositories or even local paths. Additionally, this step will apply patches that can be specified alongside the source file.
  3. Download and install dependencies into temporary "host" and "build" workspaces. Any dependencies that are needed at build time are installed in this step.
  4. Execute the build script to build/compile the source code, and "install" it into the host environment.
  5. Collect all files that are new in the "host" environment (because the build script just created them) and apply some transformations if necessary (specifically we edit the rpath on Linux and macOS to help make binaries relocatable).
  6. Bundle all the files in a package and write out any additional metadata into the info/index.json, info/about.json and info/paths.json files. This also creates the test files that are bundled with the package.
  7. If any tests are specified in the recipe, then we run them. If the package passes all the tests, it's considered done, otherwise we move it to a "broken" place.

After this process, a package is created. This package can be uploaded e.g. to a custom private or public channel.

How to run rattler-build#

Running rattler-build is straight-forward, just execute (on the command line):

rattler-build --recipe-file myrecipe/recipe.yaml

Or add a custom channel that is not conda-forge which is the default one.

rattler-build -c robostack --recipe-file myrecipe/recipe.yaml

Overview of a recipe.yaml#

A recipe.yaml file is separated into multiple sections and can conditionally include or exclude sections. Recipe files also support a limited amount of string interpolation with Jinja (minijinja in our case).

A simple example for the zlib package would look as follows:

# variables from the context section can be used in the rest of the recipe in jinja expressions
  version: 1.2.13

  name: zlib
  version: ${{ version }}

  url:${{ version }}.tar.gz
  sha256: b3a24de97a8fdbc835b9833169501030b8977031bcb54b3b3ac13740f846ab30

  # build numbers can be set arbitrarily
  number: 0
    # build script to install the package into the $PREFIX (host prefix)
    - if: unix
      - ./configure --prefix=$PREFIX
      - make -j$CPU_COUNT
    - if: win
      - ninja install

    # compiler is a special function. Also note the quoting around `{{` - this is necessary
    # to make sure that we always have a valid YAML file.
    - ${{ compiler("c") }}
    # The following two dependencies are only needed on Windows, and thus conditionally selected
    - if: win
        - cmake
        - ninja
    - if: unix
        - make

The sections of a recipe are:

  • context: in this section you can define variables that can be used in the Jinja context later in the recipe (e.g. name and version are commonly interpolated in strings)
  • package: this section defines the name and version of the package you are currently building and will be the name of the final output
  • source: defines from where the source code is going to be downloaded from and checksums
  • build: the settings for the build and the build script
  • requirements: allows the definition of build, host, run and run-constrained dependencies.